X You will gain many advantages when posting a HIGH PRIORITY ad:
- Your ad will have the "Priority" icon in front of the title.
- Your ad will ALWAYS be displayed at the top of the list.
- Your ad will NEVER fall into the folds on the course pages
- Your ads will display on your friends' and related users' What's up
- Your ads will have the chance of appearing on the Front Page of uBuddy
- You can select upto 5 courses for your Book-Exchange and Tutor ads.
(This will last even after your priority time expires.)
X You will gain many advantages when posting a HIGH PRIORITY ad:
- Your ad will have the "Priority" icon in front of the title.
- Your ad will ALWAYS be displayed at the top of the list.
- Your ad will NEVER fall into the folds on the course pages
- Your ads will display on your friends' and related users' What's up
- Your ads will have the chance of appearing on Front Page of uBuddy
- You can select upto 5 courses for your Book-Exchange and Tutor ads.
(This will last even after your priority time expires.)
When you rate anonymously, your vote will be counted but your name will not be shown to others. If you write a comment, your comment will be displayed with a poster name of "Anonymous".
Earn 2 uBuddy points for rating a course. You can then use your uBuddy points to post high priority ads, or exchange for giftcard rewards!
If you are an employer, business rep, or others, you will not see courses, clubs, notes, and other student specific pages in your account.
However, you will have full access to job posting, marketplace, and others advertising features to help you buy / sell items, post job oppertunities, and grow your business.
You will get connected to all the courses, notes, people, clubs, and events of the univeristy you selected. So make sure to select the correct university to get the max out of uBuddy.
You have succesfully created your account!
You will recieve a confirmation email from uBuddy very soon.
Clicking on the link in that email will activate your account.
Check your Junk Mail if you do not see the email, and add uBuddy email
to your contact to make sure you can recieve up-to-date notifications.
Thank you for joining uBuddy!
Logging In is required to view / access the selected link
If you are an employer, business rep, or others, you will not see courses, clubs, notes, and other student specific pages in your account.
However, you will have full access to job posting, marketplace, and others advertising features to help you buy / sell items, post job oppertunities, and grow your business.
You will get connected to all the courses, notes, people, clubs, and events of the univeristy you selected. So make sure to select the correct university to get the max out of uBuddy.
You have succesfully created your account!
You will recieve a confirmation email from uBuddy very soon.
Clicking on the link in that email will activate your account.
Check your Junk Mail if you do not see the email, and add uBuddy email
to your contact to make sure you can recieve up-to-date notifications.
Your old rating and old comments will be replaced by your new rating and new comments
Course Rating:
no rating yet
International Monetary Economics
University of Toronto
An analysis of the nature, effects and policy implications of international finance; balance-of-payments and foreign exchange analysis; liquidity problems and topics related to current problems in international finance.
- Get 10 stars for every note upload
- Get 25 stars each time someone views your note
- Get 25 stars each time someone likes your note NEED NOTES?
- Use 50 stars to view a note.
- Get
with your view, and get unlimited access* to that note forever with NO EXTRA COST.
XClear note descriptions will get you more views and more points!
Get when your note have 10+ unique views
Get when your note have 3+ likes
Please make sure your note is real and for the course. If a fake/inappropriate note is reported and confirmed, 5X of the uBuddy pointed earned from the note will be deducted.
If you erase a note, you will lose the 10 points earned during upload. You will not be able to erase a note after someone viewed it.
- Get 2 stars for every file upload.
- Get 25 stars each time someone views your file.
- Get 25 stars each time someone likes your file. NEED A PAST TEST/EXAM?
- Use 50 stars to view a file.
- Get
with your view, and get unlimited access* to that file forever with NO EXTRA COST.
XClear descriptions will get you more views and more points!
Get when your file have 10+ unique views
Get when your file have 3+ likes
Please make sure your test/exam is real and for the course. If a fake/inappropriate file is reported and confirmed,
5X of the uBuddy pointed earned from the file will be deducted.
If you erase a test/exam, you will lose the 10 points earned during upload. You will not be able to erase a file after someone viewed it.